Thursday, December 29, 2011

Goodbye 2011!

As this year draws to a close I am reflecting back on the last twelve months and can't believe how much my life has changed. Some of the change is for the good and of course some of the change is for the not so good. When it is all said and done however, I wouldn't change a bit of it. The story is true about how much faster your life goes as you get older. It seems like once I graduated high school my life has been in fast forward ever since. With this year being no different. It makes me wonder if it's just going to keep speeding up. I remember growing up wishing and praying the time would just fly by so I could grow up and be a big girl. Now that I'm hear I wouldn't mind it slowing down a bit, so I can enjoy, what I believe, to be the best time of my life. I guess we'll see what's to come.

Looking back at a year ago from today I would have told you, you were crazy if you told me I'd be a stay at home mom today. Not just being a stay at home mom but if you would have told me I would be doing daycare in my home I probably would have laughed in your face. Not that there is anything wrong with either one of those things, but I never imagined they would be in my life plan. I always dreamed of being a stay at home mom, but never thought the option was feasible. I have worked since I was 15 years old and I thought that would be my life until I wasn't able to do it anymore. It's so funny how the good Lord give you a fork in the road of life and what path he advises you to take. I look at it now as a blessing that I am able to stay home with my little Ava. I get to enjoy every moment of my last born firsts and I thank the Lord everyday for the opportunity.

Another blessing I am thankful for in the last year is my renewed faith and the strength that it has given to me. I have endured and overcome obstacles in my life that have only made me stronger. I am proud to say that I am a mother of three beautiful girls and that I have a loving supportive husband. Darin is my rock and he has truly proven himself as the best husband, father and provider this year. He has carried our family through many hard times this year with his support and love. I am so proud to have him by my side.

This past year has given me opportunities to really focus on what I want to do with my life. I have had many moments of reflection on what kind of person I want to be and that I want my kids to remember most about their mom. I believe that motherhood is a constant learning process and I don't want to look back with any regrets. I want to look back and know that I did the best that I knew how and I want my kids to be proud of me for it.

The best part of 2011 was the birth of my little Ava Rose. It was a long, hard road to get her here and it was worth every bit of it. Our family is complete with her and we are all better because of her. She has taught us to never take one single thing for granted. Cherish every moment you have with your family and never forget who made it all possible!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kill it! Kill it! KILL IT!!!!

spider (noun): predatory arachnid with eight legs, two poison fangs, two feelers, and usually two silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body; they spin silk to make cocoons for eggs or traps for prey. Synonyms: wanderer

Well fall is upon us and these wonderful, eight legged creatures have taken this as an open invitation into my humble abode. For anyone who knows me they know that spiders are my absolute downfall. Over the years I have really made an effort to make peace with these horrible creatures, but to me, crossing into my safe zone breaks that treaty.

For several weeks now I have admired these creatures from afar. Maybe not admired as much as kept one eye on them just in case they try any funny business. But never the less I left them alone. I figure as long as they don't bother me I won't have to bother them. This arrangement appeared to work for both parties involved. Then the relationship seemed to go south. I started noticing one of my eight legged friends here and there. There would be one in my mop bucket, which I keep in the garage. I kind of let this slide because technically the garage is not the house so it would still be a neutral zone. Then they would sneak into the shower to surprise me in the morning when I was half awake, not cool. Then I would see one try to sneak across the ceiling in the living room as I'm trying to relax and watch some tv, not cool. Then I would catch them hanging in the stairways making their way from one level of the house to another, really not cool. The straw that broke the camels back would be when they decided to take over the laundry. As a busy mother of three I don't have the time to keep up on the laundry on a daily basis so the dirty laundry makes it's way to the basement. Once it's in the basement I sort it into piles usually and that's where it waits patiently to get washed. For some reason spiders love this. They see these piles as places to burrow and hide just to jump out at you when you least expect it. I don't know about anybody else but these experiences almost put me into full cardiac arrest. Not only does my heart stop, but I tend to pee a little in my pants.

After the initial shock then reality starts to set back in. Then it's like fight or flight. I am completely paralyzed with fear, but if I let it get away then it's like a free pass to continue to terrorize my home. And for some reason this year the spiders seem to be on steroids!! Literally! So needless to say my motivation to get my laundry done has completely diminished and it wasn't that high to begin with. I literally need a Xanax to get my laundry done.

So I guess from now until the cold of the winter freezes the little friggers off I will have to tip toe around my laundry room, with every light on, shaking each and every piece of laundry just to be on the safe side. Needless to say the peace treaty is void, and I now keep a shoe in every room just in case quick action needs to be taken.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Is It Just Me or is This World Going to S#*&!

Now that I'm staying home with my kids one of my guilty pleasures in the AM is CNN and HLN. As I drink my coffee I listen and watch story after story about how crappy our world has become. For the last ten years all you hear about on the news is War, bombings, tragedy and natural disaster! Am I missing something here or is the good Lord trying to send us a message? As I sit in the comfort of my own, comfortable home, my heart goes out to all of these people who are victims of these tragedies. One thing I have after being blessed with three beautiful children are the emotions of a basket case. I'm all over the place! I'm pissed, I'm sad and often find myself sick to my stomach after 5 minutes of watching the morning news. Maybe I'm a little embarrassed to admit it but I might shed a tear or two as I try to imagine what it would be like to experience one of these events. What would I do if I lost my home to a tornado, flooding or fire? What would I do if an inevitable hurricane was headed my way and forecasters predict it will be epic? What would I do if I lost a family member or a close friend to War, hunger or a horrific act of violence? I mean the list goes on and on. Then I think of my family and my children and the waterworks begin. What would I do? Then I find myself in a moment of silence thanking God for all that he has given me and all of the opportunities and good fortune he has thrown my way. But I'm still stuck with the question of Why? Why is all of this happening and why does it seem to keep happening at an alarming rate? Maybe someone is hinting that we should all take a moment of silence every once in a while and be thankful for our blessing. Just a thought.

Now, so that I'm not a total bummer on this beautiful Friday lets continue on a brighter note! Fall is on it's way, and with Fall comes the first Friday night football game of the season. I'm very excited to take Ava to her first Friday night lights experience, plus both of us need to get out of the house and blow some stink off. Then tomorrow I get to celebrate in the 4th Annual Fork and Cork Festival here in downtown Macon. This will be my first time attending and I'm looking forward to what it has to offer. If anyone of you out there reading this is looking for something to do tomorrow you should come on down and join us. It should be a good time. Then on Sunday Darin and I will celebrate our 7 year wedding anniversary! Now to try and find time to do the laundry and cleaning that always seems to sneak up on me when I'm not looking. Oh well, it's not going anywhere. Trust me I know, because I've been waiting to see if it will do itself and it never does.

So as we all go out to enjoy our weekends let's keep those less fortunate in out thoughts and prayers and thank God for all the blessings he has given us. Sometimes they are hard to find, but they are there.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Thunder and Lightening, Oooooo So Frightening

What the hell was that last night? I felt like I was waking up the the apocolypse! Growing up in Missouri I am not one to be afraid of storms or tornadoes either one. After the tradegies in Joplin and Sedalia I have a new found respect for severe weather. So last night when I woke up to what I thought was my windows being blown out I paid attention. Soon after I jumped out of bed to see what was exactly happening the power went out, then the panic set in. I couldn't see anything but by flash of lightening and what I was seeing was not settling too well. The wind was so fierce that I thought for sure I was in a tornado. It wasn't a few seconds for Darin to be right behind me peering out the window, and another few seconds for us to decide that our asses are going to the basement. Thank God for Android phones to light our way with the flashlight app. We rounded up our girls and down the stairs we went. Of course I'm keeping a brave face for my girls, because with the first sign of my fear I knew they would have mental breakdowns. But not Ava, she slept through the whole thing. So after 50 or so "what's going ons" later we made it to the basement safe and sound.

We had no power, no lights, no radio and Darin was hunting feverishly for a flashlight and some candles. The light from the candles was somewhat comforting and it wasn't long before I realized I was more afraid than my children. Ava was still sound asleep in my arms, and Zoie and Sofia were chatting away about tornadoes and how they were going to blow our house away. Outside mother nature was still beating the crap out of our house and then it hit me. Sofia's brand new trampoline was in the backyard that she had gotten for her birthday. I looked at Darin and said, "the trampoline is gone!" I couldn't imagine how anything would be left in the yard after this storm.

Once the storm died down we decided to head back up to bed by candle light, and surprisingly enough all the girls went right back down with no issues. I wish I could have said the same about myself. I laid they and tossed and turned as the thunder rolled and the only light still was the flashes of lightening outside. I was worried that my cellphone alarm wouldn't wake me up in a few hours, I was worried that the sirens for a tornado would go off and I wouldn't hear them, and I was worried that there was damage outside that I didn't not want to see in the light of day.

Considering I get up at 5:30am to get ready for my daycare kids I only had a few short hours before I had to be up anyway and then my mind started racing again. How was I going to watch my kids with no electricity? No lights, no stove, and no air conditioning. So this basically what consisted of the rest of my night.

When I did get up and picked my clothes out by flashlight, the tornado sirens started going off. Great! Now what! Was this for real, or just a false alarm? I peeked outside and it appeared to me to be a false alarm and soon after the power was restored. Thank God, cause I didn't want to take a shower in the dark. Then as daylight slowly crept in we could assess the damage. Trees down, limbs in the yard, and our trampoline was ok. It was in the neighbors yard but appeared to be fine. From reports that I have heard I think we are one of the lucky ones. There are several people who don't have power, Zoie's best friends trampoline didn't fair as well as ours, and one of my daycare moms said her neighbor had a tree in his car. So happy Monday everyone, surely this day will only get better from here.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Welcome to My New Normal

Well back to life as I know it is taking some getting used to. After six months out of the game I was ready to get back to life and take it by the horns. I just started my second week as a childcare provided and it is going great so far. The only bump I seem to be experiencing is Sofia adapting. She was first used to having Mommy all to herself and then she had to get used to having Ava at home. Then a few weeks later she is having to get used to having to share her Mommy with other kids and she is struggling. I'm sure she will get used to it, I just hope it's sooner than later. We are all having a great time though. It's so nice and I'm so fortunate to be able to stay home with my kids, especially with my little baby Ava. I'm not real sure I could leave her with anyone if I did go back to work. Since she is my last I want to make sure I don't miss a moment.

I guess I figured getting to stay home on a daily basis would give me more time to get stuff down around the house. Boy was I wrong. I am more busy now than I was with a full time job. I would trade it for the world though. I still get a few moments of silence between keeping the peace, serving meals, and wiping noses. Oh and don't forget changing diapers that's right in there too. All I have to say is thank goodness for nap time. Now if only adults had a daily nap time, then life would be perfect.

The Eleazarraraz family got to enjoy a mini vacation before my life returned to a new normal. We went to St. Louis and went to the Zoo, Grants Farm and the Science Center. The girls loved it. It was a great getaway and I would recommend it to any family. It's a pretty cheap way to have a good time. We picniced in Forest Park the day we went to the Zoo and the girls thought that was pretty cool, but not as cool as the carriage ride we took downtown after eating at the Old Spaghetti Factory. The horse the led our carriage was named Scooby Doo and had purple sparkly nail polish. The girls just thought that was it. But with all the fun things we had planned and saw all the girls could talk about was the pool at the hotel. Unfortunately the pool just opened the day before we got there and it was freezing cold. I don't do well with cold water. Needless to say my foot is the only thing that got in the water this vacation.

But most of all I'm so excited to spend my summer with my family. I'm already enjoying having my weekends free to spend with my kids and of course Darin. We can go see family or go to the lake, or whatever we want to do and I don't have to worry about missing out on anything. That has got to be one of the greatest gifts in life. To get to see my kids grow up and enjoy their lives is so important to me, and I'm going to cherish every minute of it. So stayed tuned there is more to come...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Goodbye Belly, Hello Ava

The moment has arrived! A moment of celebration that I have embraced and thanked the Lord for everyday since my angel Ava Rose was born. I tip my hat to all that never believed we would make it to this moment and the simple fact is that I would have to tip it to myself at times. Even though I now feel somewhat empty inside I am filled with a gratification that I can't even explain. The one mission that has been given to me over the last several months was accomplished and now my new reality must begin. With this new reality comes an overwhelming feeling of excitement and the sky is the limit. I now have no physical restrictions, with the exception of the next few weeks recovering from surgery, and I can't wait to feel good again. I can't wait to be able to take my girls on walks, and to the park. I can't wait to be able to exercise! Yes you heard it right here, I am turning over a new leaf. I am taking advantage of what has been given back to me and won't take it for granted again. My new reality will include an active lifestyle and not just for me but for the whole family. As I walk through my front door tomorrow with a family of five I will be the proudest wife and mom on the planet. It still really hasn't sank in for me I think. I'm still trying to process the last four months and all that me and my family have been through. I look at my new miracle, Ava, and I feel nothing but love. To know that this little person was in my belly three days ago is just mind boggeling no matter how many children you have. My belly that I have protected for months, the belly that Sofia said good morning to everyday, and the belly that has brought me so much pain for the last several months is gone. But in it's place is my beautiful angel that we have all waited so patiently for. She will forever be a reminder of the struggle we went through to have her, a reminder of you take nothing for granted or lose sight of how blessed you are, and a reminder that you can do anything that you put your mind to as long as you keep the faith.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

T Minus 1 Week and Counting

So here we are. No one thought we would make it this far, but we all prayed for it and God prevailed. One week from this moment I will be holding my new baby girl in my arms and that's a moment I've been waiting for, for a long time. I can't even begin to imagine what that moment will be like. I can imagine all the emotions I will be feeling as well as my family and friends. You know that saying that it takes an army to raise a child? In this case it's totally true. Without our army of friends, family, and the endless hours of support we would have never made it. So here is a huge hug and Thank You to all of you! As the time grows closer I get so anxious to see what's to come. What will she look like? Will she look like Zoie? Sofia? Or will she have a look all her own? Will she be healthy? One more reason to put your trust in God. Let him take care of all that big stuff right? But still you can't help but wonder. The last four months of my life have been strictly dedicated to this little baby that I have yet to meet. I already feel such a connection to her that I can't explain it. Usually I would be working, preoccupied with many other things and thoughts. Not this time. This time I have focused all of my time and energy on every little kick, pain, and contraction. It has really put into perspective what is important in life and what seemed important before really isn't. At my last doctors appointment every nurse, doctor and receptionist I ran into had to tell me how amazed they were with how far I've come. Nobody expected it and I know when you have shocked your maternal fetal medicine specialist you have really accomplished something. So when I think about all the things I have given body, my time, my job, my life I then in turn think about all that I have achieved and all that I am about to gain. It's an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and it has forever strengthened my relationship with a God more powerful than any doctor, specialist, and pessimist.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring and All it Brings

Well the first days of Spring were wondermous! The girls played outside, the dog played outside, and I turned the heat off in the house. I love when that day arrives. To open the windows and let the fresh air in just puts you in a whole different place. Plus it kind of made me feel like part of the real world again. Life beyond this pregnancy is fast approaching and I get more anxious with everyday. to think three more weeks to go is just crazy. Considering where I started I never thought I would make it to this day. The only thing I hope is that she doesn't come in the next three days. Darin is on his way to the airport to fly to Minnesota and I just know that will be the time she chooses to come. Let's hope not.

But with the good there always seems to come the bad. Spring has also brought sickness to the Eleazarraraz home. Zoie has been sick since Sunday so I finally broke down and took her to the doctor today when it appeared she wasn't getting any better. Low and behold she has the strep throat. I guess we couldn't allude this ugly beast forever. Growing up as a kid I never had it and so far neither one of my kids have had it. Just my luck we will all have it by the end of the week and I hear it's horrible in adults so I'm really looking forward to it. My mom is coming to stay with me for a couple of days why Darin is gone and I gave her fair warning. Bless her heart she's coming anyway. May God be with us all. Plus it's cold today! What's the deal? I hate being teased! You can't give me a couple of warm, nice, fresh days and then yank them away to replace it with cold, windy, gloomy weather. Oh well, I know one of these days it will be here today. I wish it cold stay Spring all year round.

I think the one thing that I'm going to dread about the Spring time is the bugs it brings with it. Every speck of dirt, crumb on the floor, and shadow on the wall has turned into a horrible man eating bug. This really puts a damper on our outside play. I had to give my girls a flyswatter to take with them outside the other day and that still didn't work. So if there are any parents out there that have any advice for me on how to curb this fear please share.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Doesn't Kill Us Makes Us Stronger

It's amazing and a bit upsetting that it takes hard times and sometimes even a tragedy to make us look at our lives and appreciate all we've been given. I wouldn't say that I never appreciated what I had, but I would definitley say that I took things for granted. I am very proud to say that from as far as I can tell, at this moment in my life, that will never be the case again. I have had so much time to reflect on my life past, present and future for the last few months. I have come to realize that it is a complete blessing that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Not too many people get the chance to slow down and take a break from real life. Not too many people get to take advantage of the time to evaluate your life with no distractions. Now I'm not saying that I haven't had distractions, but I have definitley had the time to deal with the distractions, accept them and take time for myself.

From all the negative that has been going on with me and my family for the past few months there are so many positive things that have came out of it. Not only have I got to spend some well overdue quality time with my family, but we have grown closer and stronger. There aren't even words to express the support and love that I have received from my husband during this time. He has been so supportive and kept me going when I thought I couldn't go anymore. He has been understanding, helpful and a continuous pillar of strength for me in all areas. I can never thank him enough for helping me keep my peace of mind. My children have been great! I have had the priviledge of getting the time to be their mother and to actually get to know my kids. Before it just felt like I was a mom from a distance, putting the burden of being mother and father on my husband. It gives me a huge sense of satifaction now knowing that I can be in that mom role for them.

On one last note the support and love I have gotten from my friends has been overwhelming! Having the opportunity to find out who your real friends are is priceless. The constant cards, kind words, and support has been a true blessing to me and my family. It's the small things that keep me going day to day as I anxiously anticipate the arrival of my little miracle. I cannot wait for everyone to meet the little girl that this has all been for. The little girl that has already changed my life before I even saw her beautiful face. Changed my life for the better.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reality! Where Are You??

Ok, here we go. I'm finally in my 32nd week never believing I would have made it this far. It seems surreal to look back now to when this all started and think that I'm really on the downhill slide. But, with all that being said I'm thinking that I have finally reached my breaking point witht he outside world. Sure, I get out from time to time to go to the doctor or to do the occasional grocery shopping just to blow the stink off, but I'm really starting to feel a little isolated. I'm not sure if it's because we have recently had some decent weather or just because I'm the most impatient person in the whole entire world. The closer my due date comes the more anxious I get. Not because I'm nervous just because I cannot wait to meet this little girl I've been working on for the last several months. I feel like she is the grand prize at the end of the painful, never ending wait. The day she is born will definitely be one of the best days of my life. This is where I'm going to have to stop and recognize the man that has made this all happen and I have never forgotten that praise be to God and his amazing Grace.

Here is where it gets a little weird, so bear with me and try not to judge. I have a confession to make and not only is it embarassing for a grown women but it's borderline completely wrong and illegal. Brace yourself, here we go...are you ready??? Wait for it!!! I think I'm becoming completely obsessed with Justin Bieber!!! I will wait for the gasps to pass, because I so know what you are thinking. Staci has lost her mind! I've been trying to rationalize why this is happening and I think I've came up with the answer. Not only is my 5 year old daughter in love with him, but lately he is everywhere! Every television show I turn on has him on it, and that also includes all my favorite talk shows. Every music station, every t-shirt, every everything. It also doesn't help that I took Zoie to watch the movie at the theatre the other day. I figure she got out early from school and I knew she would love to watch it. I knew it wouldn't hurt to go sit at the theatre to watch a movie and it would be a great opportunity to get out of the house. It was actually kind of nice because not only were we the only ones in the theatre but I knew I wouldn't have to worry about Zoie being to loud and disturbing other people. Here is another confession I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but I kinda liked the movie. Oh, get over it! Actually the daughter that I was so worried about being loud fell asleep halfway through the movie,but not me. I was glued to that screen, smitten with this cute little teenager.

So instead of turning this into the creepy thing that it is I'm going to embrace it as something that Zoie and I have in common. I will use it as a bonding tool if nothing else. If that doesn't work then I'm going to blame the bedrest and being surrounded by his cute little image all day everyday. Like I'm brainwashed, it's not my fault. I'm sure this to shall pass like everything else but for now I am a BELIEBER!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Storm of the Century...What a bummer!

Alright, here we go with another snow day this week! What! And now there is talk of another one tomorrow! Just shoot me now! I know I might sound a little overdramatic, but I really think I have a case of the cabin fever. I thought being on bedrest was bad and it couldn't get worse...boy was I wrong. The one thing I had going for me was my weekly doctors appointment in Columbia, where I got a little bit of fresh air. But no, not this week it was cancelled due to the Storm of the Century!

Let me just start off by saying how much I love my girls! I think I have the best girls in the world and woudn't trade them for anything. With that being said...I really need school to be in session. Zoie has so much energy and no where to let it out, except for on her sister. Sofia is used to being home by herself and is having a little bit of trouble sharing her toys and her time. We finally went to McDonalds last night to blow some stink off and get out of the house. As soon as we walked in the door at McDonalds I realized we weren't the only parents who had that very same idea. All around me were parents with bloodshot eyes and kids running around like they were rabid. I would like to personally thank McDonalds for being open and giving us that outlet before I officially lost my mind. Who would of known that 5000 calories and two cheap my little ponies later I would have somewhat of a second wind.

While I was out and about I surely did not underappreciate the sights I saw. The mounds and mounds of snow, the cars that were buried to their hoods and all the heavy equipment that was out trying to rescue us sorry souls from our driveways. There was one ray of sunshine after this storm of all storms. Puxataney Phil did not see his shadow and spring is on it's way. Who cares if it was because he was snowed in and couldn't get still counts!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where Do Babies Come From???

If any of you out there know my daughter Zoie, you know how smart, beautiful and how inquisitive she can be. Sometimes I wonder if she is a 16 year old stuck in a 5 year old body. Please God help me when she really does turn 16. Anyway, I was fortunate enough to take Zoie with me to one of my doctors appointments a few weeks ago and ever since then it's like the flood gates have opened. Not only was she a chatter box in the doctor's office, but she has gone nonstop since that day. In reality I wouldn't have it any other way. I mean, how do kids really learn anyway? I believe it's through asking questions and the guidance of parents, But sometimes I feel the subjects get way above and beyond what I am prepared to handle. Let me just start with our trip to the doctor and then we'll go from there.

I believe it was my 24 or 25 week appointment, I can't remember for sure, I'm horrible with dates. I had taken Sofia a few weeks before and it went fairly smoothly. Well, as smoothly as it can go with a 3 year old plus an half hour wait for the doctor to come in. I knew that taking Zoie would be much more of a challenge. She is older, and tends to understand things a little more than Sofia does. The part that I was really worried about was every week I have to get an ultrasound plus an internal ultrasound to check my cervix. I knew that would perk her curiosity, and I was preparing for what my answer would be. I was really just hoping I could distract her enough so that she would even notice. Yeah, right! So during the external ultrasound Zoie was very excited. The tech was explaining to Zoie what we were looking at, and as hard as she was trying I'm sure she really couldn't tell what she was looking at. Zoie asked the tech how the baby ate. It was explained to her that the baby drinks the amniotic fluid around her and that whatever Mommy eats the baby can taste in the fluid. Zoie just thought that was the stuff. She thought that was pretty cool. Then comes the internal we go! I talked to Zoie and kept asking her questions and she was throwing the questions right back at me...what is that? What are you doing? Of course I was covered so she couldn't see the actually procedure but the tools alone perked her interest. So as she sat wide eyed we watched the screen as my cervix appeared to still be high and tight (which is what Darin and I call it) which is always the news we want to here.

Overall I feel the appointment and the experience for Zoie went really well. I think it has made her feel closer to the pregnancy and the baby which is nice. Then the other night at dinner the flood gates opened. And this time I had no time to prepare and I was caught off guard. Thank God Darin was there to help cushion some of the questions, but next time I will definitely be more prepared. It all started because I had been to the doctor earlier that day, another good appointment Thank God, and so I was showing the girls where the baby was laying and where certain body parts were. Zoie was very interested in this, and asked once again how the baby ate. I tried to explain to her that the baby is connected to Mommy by a cord and when you are born the cord turns into your belly button. That's when the eyes got big! Zoie looked at me like she was looking at Santa Claus and I could see the wheels a turning. So then that started a whole belly button conversation and as the girls compared belly buttons I thought the conversation was over. Boy was I wrong!

Where do babies come from?? What? Huh? Are you talking to me??? Darin and I look at each other like a deer in headlights. Then here comes Zoie once again, " How do the babies get in there?" After several seconds of silence Darin speaks up and I take a huge sigh of relief. I thought the pressure was taken off of me and Darin was going to handle it. Then I hear his answer, "It's just appears in there." What??? Of course Zoie had the same look on her face as I'm sure I did. Like did you really just say that. Zoie is like, so it just happens? Then of course she asks "how does it just happen?". This time I speak up..."when Mommies and Daddies love each other so much it makes a baby." She was happy with that answer and seemed content. Another huge sign and praying that it was the end of the third degree. But if you know Zoie it wasn't. Next question...."So how does it get out?" I have an out here. It is one of the only times I am glad that I have had two csections. Easy enough, "right out of Mommies belly." Plus I have the scars to prove it.

I know it might not have been the full and honest truth, but I feel the conversation was good considering it was between two nervous parents and a 5 year old. The only thing I kept thinking was how Zoie is like a sponge and usually all the info she obsorbed came out at school, church and other random times to random people. So with all that being said I think we are safe for now. I think Darin and I put our heads together and eased the beast for now. As delivery day gets closer I'm sure there will be more questions to answer, but you bet your ass I'll be prepared with quick, witty answers that won't leave Zoie scarred for life. Any advice out there from other parents that have tackled this subject with their kids your input is greatly welcomed and appreciated.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Caution...There's a Crazy Up Ahead

Last night I saw something for the first time in my life and I would probably put money on the fact that I will never see it again. As I sit here 24 hours later I still think to myself that my mind was playing tricks on me. If Darin hadn't of seen the same thing I had I would think I was crazy, but at this point in my life I am very proud to say that I'm not even in the same ballpark as this man I saw last night. I just knew this was something I was going to share with you all so I hope you find it as amusing as I did.

Last night Darin and I were cruising on out of Columbia on our way home. The girls were cozy in the back seat watching a movie, and it all seemed to be shaping up as a nice ride home. We couldn't have even been three miles out of Columbia when the traffic seemed to be slowing and getting conjested. The weather was perfect, it wasn't during a high traffic time, and it was a Sunday. What in the world is going on? As we get closer, and the traffic is swerving into the other lane, I see a truck's backside fast approaching. Darin slows down and we proceed into the other lane and up ahead is what appears to be a small truck, probably an S10 or something of the like, and it has it's flashers on. To myself I'm thinking what in the world is this guy doing? Darin and I haven't muttered a word to each other yet and the girls are still quietly watching Strawberry Shortcake in the backseat. We continue to proceed around this trainwreck that I can't take my eyes off of and as we get right beside him I look over. I still cannot believe what I saw, and some of you might not believe me either. To my right was a man, probably in his 50's, I can't tell you for sure because I was so preoccupied with what was going on. He was driving his truck down a major highway, at night time, with no headlights on! I know what your saying what is the big deal? I have seen people driving without headlights before. But this man was driving down this major dual lane highway with nothing but the light he was holding in his hand. I can't even tell you exactly what this light was, but it was in his hand and he was shining it out infront of his truck! What!!! This guy was driving by the light of a flashlight, or a spot light, or a lamp for all I knew. I couldn't focus long enough to figure it out.

I looked over at Darin to see if he had seen what I had seen. Sure enough he had and we both started laughing hysterically! The kids are still in the back in a dead stare towards the video screen. Oblivous to what was going on. It was just as well because I couldn't stop laughing long enough to explain anything at that point. At that moment I thanked the Lord for such a good laugh (I really need them these days), and then I said a quick prayer for this poor, unfortunate man that he would make it where ever he was going. Not only make it there but hopefully not kiss himself or anyone else in the process.

I'm thinking that if I could pick any super power in the world right now it would be to have the ability to get in other peoples heads to see what in the world is going on! I'm just saying....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Have A Dream

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. I am dedicating my next post to him. This is my version of the famous speech I Have A Dream....

I Have A Dream to live in a world where love is the majority and hate is the minority. I Have A Dream to live in a world where I don't have to worry about my kids when they are at school or in any public place for that matter. A world where you can go to the grocery store and not have to worry about guns, violence or crime. I Have A Dream to live in a world where the only thing you have is true friends and family and you don't have to worry about the ones that are your friends or family only to exploit you. Where you don't have to worry about them being your friends one day and not the next.

I Have A Dream that the future of this country will be of great promise and it will be a place where my children and my children's children will be proud to live. A Dream to live in a world without war, and without all the pain and suffering that comes with it. I Have A Dream to live in a world where children are protected and the system doesn't protect those that bring harm to them. I dream to live in a world that has consistency and doesn't play favorites. Where our politians and leaders are of high standards and authority that we are proud to look up to. Last but not least I Have A Dream to live in a world of change, not just promise of change, and that change is for the better. Not just the better for the rich or the unfortunate but for all people.

Now on a lighter note...I Have A Dream to live in a place with warm weather all year round. A place that everyday is a party and a time to have fun with family and friends. I Have a Dream to live in a world where calories are never counted and exercise is for the fun of it not because you have to. A place of clearance sales on every rack and chocolate on every corner. And once again, last but not least, I Have A Dream to live in a place where children always obey their parents, take naps when told, and are kind to their siblings.

I don't think any of these things are too much to ask for. So in honor of MLK day I challenge everyone to think about their dreams. Think about what it would mean to you to have all your dreams come true.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mommy Your Jeans Look Fat

Why is it that the only time I feel motivated to diet and exercise is when I'm pregnant? It also doesn't help the matter much when my 3 year old daughter looks at me and then tells me "Mommy your jeans look fat!" What do I say to that? She is only 3 and I really think she thought she was telling me something that would make me happy. Her tone appeared to be that way anyway. She also told me how pretty my hair looked so I think it was a compliment, but if you know me, telling me my jeans look fat is not going to make me smile. So, needless to say, I took it in stride and made a mental note to myself. I told myself at that moment that number one...I'm not going to wear jeans again for the rest of my pregnancy and number two...I really needed to start thinking about what kind of diet and exercise plan I was going to do when the baby arrived. So for any other moms out there that have tackled the dreaded baby weight and been successful at it I would appreciate some advice on what works and what doesn't.

So with all that being said that's move on to something else...maybe something that isn't so depressing. I am now 26 and a half weeks pregnant and feeling pretty good considering. My spirits are up and I'm staying positive which is only a miracle I can give God the credit for. When all of this is said and done and I can walk away saying that my faith is stronger I would have to be one of the luckiest Moms in the world. I'm pretty close to that status right now anyway. I have two beautiful daughters that make me laugh and keep me on my toes everyday, plus another one on the way. What else could I ask for? Not to mention a husband that has been my rock through all this but also keeps a smile on my face. I couldn't do it without him. Since I'm on a roll I would also have to give thanks to the many friends and family members that have sent well wishes my way and have been supportive anyway they can. I thank you all!

I have done blogs for a few years now but never to share with my friends and family so this is new to me. I hope that you all enjoy what I have to offer and if you don't I'll go ahead and apoligize now. Stay tuned because I have nothing else better to do right now than to write, so I'm going to keep it coming. Luvs!