Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Storm of the Century...What a bummer!

Alright, here we go with another snow day this week! What! And now there is talk of another one tomorrow! Just shoot me now! I know I might sound a little overdramatic, but I really think I have a case of the cabin fever. I thought being on bedrest was bad and it couldn't get worse...boy was I wrong. The one thing I had going for me was my weekly doctors appointment in Columbia, where I got a little bit of fresh air. But no, not this week it was cancelled due to the Storm of the Century!

Let me just start off by saying how much I love my girls! I think I have the best girls in the world and woudn't trade them for anything. With that being said...I really need school to be in session. Zoie has so much energy and no where to let it out, except for on her sister. Sofia is used to being home by herself and is having a little bit of trouble sharing her toys and her time. We finally went to McDonalds last night to blow some stink off and get out of the house. As soon as we walked in the door at McDonalds I realized we weren't the only parents who had that very same idea. All around me were parents with bloodshot eyes and kids running around like they were rabid. I would like to personally thank McDonalds for being open and giving us that outlet before I officially lost my mind. Who would of known that 5000 calories and two cheap my little ponies later I would have somewhat of a second wind.

While I was out and about I surely did not underappreciate the sights I saw. The mounds and mounds of snow, the cars that were buried to their hoods and all the heavy equipment that was out trying to rescue us sorry souls from our driveways. There was one ray of sunshine after this storm of all storms. Puxataney Phil did not see his shadow and spring is on it's way. Who cares if it was because he was snowed in and couldn't get still counts!

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