Monday, January 17, 2011

Caution...There's a Crazy Up Ahead

Last night I saw something for the first time in my life and I would probably put money on the fact that I will never see it again. As I sit here 24 hours later I still think to myself that my mind was playing tricks on me. If Darin hadn't of seen the same thing I had I would think I was crazy, but at this point in my life I am very proud to say that I'm not even in the same ballpark as this man I saw last night. I just knew this was something I was going to share with you all so I hope you find it as amusing as I did.

Last night Darin and I were cruising on out of Columbia on our way home. The girls were cozy in the back seat watching a movie, and it all seemed to be shaping up as a nice ride home. We couldn't have even been three miles out of Columbia when the traffic seemed to be slowing and getting conjested. The weather was perfect, it wasn't during a high traffic time, and it was a Sunday. What in the world is going on? As we get closer, and the traffic is swerving into the other lane, I see a truck's backside fast approaching. Darin slows down and we proceed into the other lane and up ahead is what appears to be a small truck, probably an S10 or something of the like, and it has it's flashers on. To myself I'm thinking what in the world is this guy doing? Darin and I haven't muttered a word to each other yet and the girls are still quietly watching Strawberry Shortcake in the backseat. We continue to proceed around this trainwreck that I can't take my eyes off of and as we get right beside him I look over. I still cannot believe what I saw, and some of you might not believe me either. To my right was a man, probably in his 50's, I can't tell you for sure because I was so preoccupied with what was going on. He was driving his truck down a major highway, at night time, with no headlights on! I know what your saying what is the big deal? I have seen people driving without headlights before. But this man was driving down this major dual lane highway with nothing but the light he was holding in his hand. I can't even tell you exactly what this light was, but it was in his hand and he was shining it out infront of his truck! What!!! This guy was driving by the light of a flashlight, or a spot light, or a lamp for all I knew. I couldn't focus long enough to figure it out.

I looked over at Darin to see if he had seen what I had seen. Sure enough he had and we both started laughing hysterically! The kids are still in the back in a dead stare towards the video screen. Oblivous to what was going on. It was just as well because I couldn't stop laughing long enough to explain anything at that point. At that moment I thanked the Lord for such a good laugh (I really need them these days), and then I said a quick prayer for this poor, unfortunate man that he would make it where ever he was going. Not only make it there but hopefully not kiss himself or anyone else in the process.

I'm thinking that if I could pick any super power in the world right now it would be to have the ability to get in other peoples heads to see what in the world is going on! I'm just saying....

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