Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Reality! Where Are You??

Ok, here we go. I'm finally in my 32nd week never believing I would have made it this far. It seems surreal to look back now to when this all started and think that I'm really on the downhill slide. But, with all that being said I'm thinking that I have finally reached my breaking point witht he outside world. Sure, I get out from time to time to go to the doctor or to do the occasional grocery shopping just to blow the stink off, but I'm really starting to feel a little isolated. I'm not sure if it's because we have recently had some decent weather or just because I'm the most impatient person in the whole entire world. The closer my due date comes the more anxious I get. Not because I'm nervous just because I cannot wait to meet this little girl I've been working on for the last several months. I feel like she is the grand prize at the end of the painful, never ending wait. The day she is born will definitely be one of the best days of my life. This is where I'm going to have to stop and recognize the man that has made this all happen and I have never forgotten that praise be to God and his amazing Grace.

Here is where it gets a little weird, so bear with me and try not to judge. I have a confession to make and not only is it embarassing for a grown women but it's borderline completely wrong and illegal. Brace yourself, here we go...are you ready??? Wait for it!!! I think I'm becoming completely obsessed with Justin Bieber!!! I will wait for the gasps to pass, because I so know what you are thinking. Staci has lost her mind! I've been trying to rationalize why this is happening and I think I've came up with the answer. Not only is my 5 year old daughter in love with him, but lately he is everywhere! Every television show I turn on has him on it, and that also includes all my favorite talk shows. Every music station, every t-shirt, every everything. It also doesn't help that I took Zoie to watch the movie at the theatre the other day. I figure she got out early from school and I knew she would love to watch it. I knew it wouldn't hurt to go sit at the theatre to watch a movie and it would be a great opportunity to get out of the house. It was actually kind of nice because not only were we the only ones in the theatre but I knew I wouldn't have to worry about Zoie being to loud and disturbing other people. Here is another confession I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but I kinda liked the movie. Oh, get over it! Actually the daughter that I was so worried about being loud fell asleep halfway through the movie,but not me. I was glued to that screen, smitten with this cute little teenager.

So instead of turning this into the creepy thing that it is I'm going to embrace it as something that Zoie and I have in common. I will use it as a bonding tool if nothing else. If that doesn't work then I'm going to blame the bedrest and being surrounded by his cute little image all day everyday. Like I'm brainwashed, it's not my fault. I'm sure this to shall pass like everything else but for now I am a BELIEBER!!!

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