Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where Do Babies Come From???

If any of you out there know my daughter Zoie, you know how smart, beautiful and how inquisitive she can be. Sometimes I wonder if she is a 16 year old stuck in a 5 year old body. Please God help me when she really does turn 16. Anyway, I was fortunate enough to take Zoie with me to one of my doctors appointments a few weeks ago and ever since then it's like the flood gates have opened. Not only was she a chatter box in the doctor's office, but she has gone nonstop since that day. In reality I wouldn't have it any other way. I mean, how do kids really learn anyway? I believe it's through asking questions and the guidance of parents, But sometimes I feel the subjects get way above and beyond what I am prepared to handle. Let me just start with our trip to the doctor and then we'll go from there.

I believe it was my 24 or 25 week appointment, I can't remember for sure, I'm horrible with dates. I had taken Sofia a few weeks before and it went fairly smoothly. Well, as smoothly as it can go with a 3 year old plus an half hour wait for the doctor to come in. I knew that taking Zoie would be much more of a challenge. She is older, and tends to understand things a little more than Sofia does. The part that I was really worried about was every week I have to get an ultrasound plus an internal ultrasound to check my cervix. I knew that would perk her curiosity, and I was preparing for what my answer would be. I was really just hoping I could distract her enough so that she would even notice. Yeah, right! So during the external ultrasound Zoie was very excited. The tech was explaining to Zoie what we were looking at, and as hard as she was trying I'm sure she really couldn't tell what she was looking at. Zoie asked the tech how the baby ate. It was explained to her that the baby drinks the amniotic fluid around her and that whatever Mommy eats the baby can taste in the fluid. Zoie just thought that was the stuff. She thought that was pretty cool. Then comes the internal we go! I talked to Zoie and kept asking her questions and she was throwing the questions right back at me...what is that? What are you doing? Of course I was covered so she couldn't see the actually procedure but the tools alone perked her interest. So as she sat wide eyed we watched the screen as my cervix appeared to still be high and tight (which is what Darin and I call it) which is always the news we want to here.

Overall I feel the appointment and the experience for Zoie went really well. I think it has made her feel closer to the pregnancy and the baby which is nice. Then the other night at dinner the flood gates opened. And this time I had no time to prepare and I was caught off guard. Thank God Darin was there to help cushion some of the questions, but next time I will definitely be more prepared. It all started because I had been to the doctor earlier that day, another good appointment Thank God, and so I was showing the girls where the baby was laying and where certain body parts were. Zoie was very interested in this, and asked once again how the baby ate. I tried to explain to her that the baby is connected to Mommy by a cord and when you are born the cord turns into your belly button. That's when the eyes got big! Zoie looked at me like she was looking at Santa Claus and I could see the wheels a turning. So then that started a whole belly button conversation and as the girls compared belly buttons I thought the conversation was over. Boy was I wrong!

Where do babies come from?? What? Huh? Are you talking to me??? Darin and I look at each other like a deer in headlights. Then here comes Zoie once again, " How do the babies get in there?" After several seconds of silence Darin speaks up and I take a huge sigh of relief. I thought the pressure was taken off of me and Darin was going to handle it. Then I hear his answer, "It's just appears in there." What??? Of course Zoie had the same look on her face as I'm sure I did. Like did you really just say that. Zoie is like, so it just happens? Then of course she asks "how does it just happen?". This time I speak up..."when Mommies and Daddies love each other so much it makes a baby." She was happy with that answer and seemed content. Another huge sign and praying that it was the end of the third degree. But if you know Zoie it wasn't. Next question...."So how does it get out?" I have an out here. It is one of the only times I am glad that I have had two csections. Easy enough, "right out of Mommies belly." Plus I have the scars to prove it.

I know it might not have been the full and honest truth, but I feel the conversation was good considering it was between two nervous parents and a 5 year old. The only thing I kept thinking was how Zoie is like a sponge and usually all the info she obsorbed came out at school, church and other random times to random people. So with all that being said I think we are safe for now. I think Darin and I put our heads together and eased the beast for now. As delivery day gets closer I'm sure there will be more questions to answer, but you bet your ass I'll be prepared with quick, witty answers that won't leave Zoie scarred for life. Any advice out there from other parents that have tackled this subject with their kids your input is greatly welcomed and appreciated.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Caution...There's a Crazy Up Ahead

Last night I saw something for the first time in my life and I would probably put money on the fact that I will never see it again. As I sit here 24 hours later I still think to myself that my mind was playing tricks on me. If Darin hadn't of seen the same thing I had I would think I was crazy, but at this point in my life I am very proud to say that I'm not even in the same ballpark as this man I saw last night. I just knew this was something I was going to share with you all so I hope you find it as amusing as I did.

Last night Darin and I were cruising on out of Columbia on our way home. The girls were cozy in the back seat watching a movie, and it all seemed to be shaping up as a nice ride home. We couldn't have even been three miles out of Columbia when the traffic seemed to be slowing and getting conjested. The weather was perfect, it wasn't during a high traffic time, and it was a Sunday. What in the world is going on? As we get closer, and the traffic is swerving into the other lane, I see a truck's backside fast approaching. Darin slows down and we proceed into the other lane and up ahead is what appears to be a small truck, probably an S10 or something of the like, and it has it's flashers on. To myself I'm thinking what in the world is this guy doing? Darin and I haven't muttered a word to each other yet and the girls are still quietly watching Strawberry Shortcake in the backseat. We continue to proceed around this trainwreck that I can't take my eyes off of and as we get right beside him I look over. I still cannot believe what I saw, and some of you might not believe me either. To my right was a man, probably in his 50's, I can't tell you for sure because I was so preoccupied with what was going on. He was driving his truck down a major highway, at night time, with no headlights on! I know what your saying what is the big deal? I have seen people driving without headlights before. But this man was driving down this major dual lane highway with nothing but the light he was holding in his hand. I can't even tell you exactly what this light was, but it was in his hand and he was shining it out infront of his truck! What!!! This guy was driving by the light of a flashlight, or a spot light, or a lamp for all I knew. I couldn't focus long enough to figure it out.

I looked over at Darin to see if he had seen what I had seen. Sure enough he had and we both started laughing hysterically! The kids are still in the back in a dead stare towards the video screen. Oblivous to what was going on. It was just as well because I couldn't stop laughing long enough to explain anything at that point. At that moment I thanked the Lord for such a good laugh (I really need them these days), and then I said a quick prayer for this poor, unfortunate man that he would make it where ever he was going. Not only make it there but hopefully not kiss himself or anyone else in the process.

I'm thinking that if I could pick any super power in the world right now it would be to have the ability to get in other peoples heads to see what in the world is going on! I'm just saying....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Have A Dream

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. I am dedicating my next post to him. This is my version of the famous speech I Have A Dream....

I Have A Dream to live in a world where love is the majority and hate is the minority. I Have A Dream to live in a world where I don't have to worry about my kids when they are at school or in any public place for that matter. A world where you can go to the grocery store and not have to worry about guns, violence or crime. I Have A Dream to live in a world where the only thing you have is true friends and family and you don't have to worry about the ones that are your friends or family only to exploit you. Where you don't have to worry about them being your friends one day and not the next.

I Have A Dream that the future of this country will be of great promise and it will be a place where my children and my children's children will be proud to live. A Dream to live in a world without war, and without all the pain and suffering that comes with it. I Have A Dream to live in a world where children are protected and the system doesn't protect those that bring harm to them. I dream to live in a world that has consistency and doesn't play favorites. Where our politians and leaders are of high standards and authority that we are proud to look up to. Last but not least I Have A Dream to live in a world of change, not just promise of change, and that change is for the better. Not just the better for the rich or the unfortunate but for all people.

Now on a lighter note...I Have A Dream to live in a place with warm weather all year round. A place that everyday is a party and a time to have fun with family and friends. I Have a Dream to live in a world where calories are never counted and exercise is for the fun of it not because you have to. A place of clearance sales on every rack and chocolate on every corner. And once again, last but not least, I Have A Dream to live in a place where children always obey their parents, take naps when told, and are kind to their siblings.

I don't think any of these things are too much to ask for. So in honor of MLK day I challenge everyone to think about their dreams. Think about what it would mean to you to have all your dreams come true.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mommy Your Jeans Look Fat

Why is it that the only time I feel motivated to diet and exercise is when I'm pregnant? It also doesn't help the matter much when my 3 year old daughter looks at me and then tells me "Mommy your jeans look fat!" What do I say to that? She is only 3 and I really think she thought she was telling me something that would make me happy. Her tone appeared to be that way anyway. She also told me how pretty my hair looked so I think it was a compliment, but if you know me, telling me my jeans look fat is not going to make me smile. So, needless to say, I took it in stride and made a mental note to myself. I told myself at that moment that number one...I'm not going to wear jeans again for the rest of my pregnancy and number two...I really needed to start thinking about what kind of diet and exercise plan I was going to do when the baby arrived. So for any other moms out there that have tackled the dreaded baby weight and been successful at it I would appreciate some advice on what works and what doesn't.

So with all that being said that's move on to something else...maybe something that isn't so depressing. I am now 26 and a half weeks pregnant and feeling pretty good considering. My spirits are up and I'm staying positive which is only a miracle I can give God the credit for. When all of this is said and done and I can walk away saying that my faith is stronger I would have to be one of the luckiest Moms in the world. I'm pretty close to that status right now anyway. I have two beautiful daughters that make me laugh and keep me on my toes everyday, plus another one on the way. What else could I ask for? Not to mention a husband that has been my rock through all this but also keeps a smile on my face. I couldn't do it without him. Since I'm on a roll I would also have to give thanks to the many friends and family members that have sent well wishes my way and have been supportive anyway they can. I thank you all!

I have done blogs for a few years now but never to share with my friends and family so this is new to me. I hope that you all enjoy what I have to offer and if you don't I'll go ahead and apoligize now. Stay tuned because I have nothing else better to do right now than to write, so I'm going to keep it coming. Luvs!